

July 19, 2017

     Cotytto is the Thracian goddess of debauchery, she is also my friend’s 47ft. Grand Banks yacht. I don’t remember the year he bought her, I think it was 2007. It doesn’t matter, what’s important, is every year since, we have spent a lot of time on her, and every August since, we have done a week long trip aboard Cotytto.

     This was a post I had written quite a few years ago on my old blog, Sail Away…a Blog by Curly. I wanted to re-post it here on my new blog, because boating is a big part of our lives, and in just a couple of weeks we will be taking a long weekend and spending it aboard Cotytto. So please, keep reading…

     For most of the time, a week on a boat is rather uneventful, a chance to spend time with friends, read a book, enjoy the sun on your face and my favorite, nap! But every now and again, a memorable moment. If you go out to Race Point at the Cape, you could go whale watching.

     It is not difficult, just follow a whale watching boat out of Provincetown, make lunch on the way out and enjoy.

     We spent hours watching these magnificent animals, and I considered myself to be, the most fortunate man I know. My wife and I have enjoyed a wonderful life together, and look forward to many more years to come. Who among us has sat on a yacht, off the coast of Cape Cod, eating cheese and crackers, and drinking wine, while watching whales feed? We should all be so fortunate.

     Martha’s Vineyard  is a frequent destination for Cotytto, and a favorite spot is, Menemsha Bight just outside the town of Chilmark. Takeout from the Menemsha Fish Market and a sunset is what’s on the menu.

     Surely coming into Boston Harbor has to be on the list of memorable moments for me. No this is not a postcard, I took that picture myself, and it’s a great picture if I do say so myself. I think I missed my calling, and it is not writing. We spent a few days in Boston, doing all the silly touristy things like, the Quincy Market and the Duck Tours, and loved every minute.

     Without a doubt, the most memorable moment was during our NYC trip. We left Newport, headed towards Long Island and the city. The city was great, we walked around for days, and who could miss Coney Island and a dog from Nathan’s.

     But, there are few things more inspiring than bringing a boat through the Verrazano Narrows Waterway, under the bridge and around the point, and standing majestically before you, Lady Liberty! What an emotional moment this must have been for those immigrating to America! I know it was emotional for me, one that I will not soon forget.

     As I said, boating has been a huge part of our lives. We have done multiple Bareboating trips which I have written about on my previous blog. And there are quite a few posts about Cotytto, so check them out. An End of a ChapterCotytto 2.0Taking on WaterGoddess of Debauchery.

     Anyhow, Day and I love the water, the ocean, boating and scuba diving, and I look forward to writing about new ocean adventures.

“I spent uncounted hours sitting at the bow looking at the water and the sky, studying each wave, different from the last, seeing how it caught the light, the air, the wind; watching patterns, the sweep of it all, and letting it take me. The sea.” ― Gary Paulsen, Caught by the Sea

Luv ya,


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  1. Only one week, many years ago, I had the opportunity to enjoy very nice trip on such a ship.
    Sorry our captain and one from the crew are not longe alive. Only my memories are still alive.

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